How Many Characters Do You Tweet in a Single Day?
I consider myself a writer, but I don't always have time to write. I was complaining about this to a friend of mine, and she pointed out that I write a lot on Twitter. I balked. Twitter isn't actually writing, right? It's one-liners and links. But I started to wonder how much writing I'm actually doing without knowing it.
There are websites that will tell you how often you tweet on average, but that doesn't mean much to me. I needed a visualization.
So I copied and pasted my tweets from Aug. 27, 2010 into a Word doc, omitting the @username portion from @replies (since I don't actually type those out). This is how much I write in a single day:
I'm stunned. If you added line breaks for paragraphs, it would be a solid page of writing. I had no idea. For you numbercrunchers, here's what Word spit out when I clicked on Word Count:
Close to 3,000 characters without breaking a sweat. How many characters do you tweet a day? If you can think of an easy way to figure it out, I'd love to hear it. (My process was a little arduous - bleh.)